Police have been strategically deployed along the banks of the Kafu River, serving as a pivotal border point between Hoima and Kyankwanzi Districts, with the primary objective of averting potential crises arising from the river bursting its banks. Consequently, the overflow has led to the temporary closure of a crucial road, compelling individuals to resort to longer alternative routes through the areas of Buhimba Kakumiro Mubende to Kampala or Hoima Masindi Kiryandongo to Kampala.
This intervention by law enforcement has been sustained over the course of two consecutive days, where police personnel have been stationed to regulate vehicular movement and prevent any attempts to traverse the fast-moving and inundated waters that have affected a substantial 2-kilometer stretch. Regrettably, this has left numerous individuals stranded, particularly those desiring to cross over to Kyankwanzi.
The ramifications of the river’s overflow extend to the educational sector as well, with Katerega Primary School, nestled in the local Katerega village, finding itself compelled to accommodate approximately twenty pupils who were unable to traverse the river to reach the school premises. Moreover, the flooding has disrupted the regular attendance of primary one and two pupils who had previously crossed the river.
In response to this challenging situation, DPC Bogere Jackson, the head of Hoima police, has asserted the collaborative efforts of law enforcement with local leaders and the community to maintain a sense of calmness and actively seek viable solutions to address the ongoing predicament. Shedding light on the infrastructure perspective, Engineer Samuel Muhoozi, the Director for Roads and Bridge Development at the Uganda National Roads Authority, has acknowledged that the Kafu bridge is among the targeted structures earmarked for reconstruction.
Acknowledging the inconvenience faced by the public, individuals are strongly encouraged to utilize alternative diversions while the government diligently works towards resolving the issue at hand. It is noteworthy that these diversions have come at a cost, as transport fares have experienced an increment of 5,000/- due to the extended travel routes necessitated by the prevailing circumstances.